Tuesday 28 June 2011

Diet and Nutrition

Let me ask a very simple question to you.....What do you think is nutrition and diet? Some would say, its all about weight reduction, DIETING and looking good; some would be of the opinion that diet is all about cooking good food; or it would be related to the knowledge about various foods and recipes. I still remember when I was doing my grad and post grad, people used to ask me my subjects.
When I used to say that I am into B.Sc./ M.Sc. Home Science, their immediate reaction would be "oh so you are learning cooking, silai and bunai" and all that stupid remarks. But when I did my M.Sc. and later PhD. in Foods and Nutrition, I realized that the subjects are much much beyond people's conventional ideologies.
The term NUTRITION encompasses definitely all of the above mentioned but actually its much more than this. Nutrition does not only mean looking good and thin but its all about your physical and mental health. Its not necessary that all those who are thin are healthy.....nope. Nutrition also encompasses its role in various diseases and clinically, nutrition is important at every stage of treatment.
We are what we eat!!!!!! Nutrition and diet is knowledge about various foods, their properties, their role and importance in our body, what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, modification of foods according to one's needs, role in various diseases so that an individual is able to maintain a life free from illness. It also promotes healthy lifestyle so that you remain hale and hearty always.
Diet is a more commonly used term and Nutrition is a scientific term, though both are inter-related.
So my blog is a small effort which I am making to make the community healthy by both Diet and Nutrition!!!!!!

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